Monday, 15 November 2021

Social Equality and Computer Keyboard

Social Equality can be achieved only if, society understands the concept of 'equality'.

Often it's perceived, understood, and communicated as 'equal opportunity'. It may sound perfectly reasonable. BUT, in simple terms, that's a misleading and flawed understanding.

Most often the flawed reasoning arises because we haven't experienced what 'equality' feels like from daily life (such as economic, social, gender etc equality). Equality is a highly abstract concept, which we're actively building. It is not something that exists and is to be discovered. Rather, It's a concept that's to be built and implemented in society.

Discovery is about finding/recognizing something that already exists, such as the discovery of a black hole, finding DNA structure, digging up dinosaur fossils, etc...

Something is called an invention when it is born from the imagination, for example, the airplane, electricity, the computer, a smartphone, and so on. 

The distant communication was improved by the invention of telegraphy in the 1800s. Later, in the 1900s invention of the internet improved it even better... Likewise, human moral values are constructed by human imagination, to solve a given problem. Those values are to be learned by society.

Problems are diverse and numerous. A pandemic control, natural disaster rehabilitation, improving quality of life, training skillful workers etc. One among them is 'solving the problem of social inequality'.

As mentioned earlier, the understanding of equality itself is flawed. More accurately, it is under construction. There are a few milestones, that are to be checked at every stage of ensuring social equality.

1) Equal opportunity for access to an event.

Can both left-handed and right-handed people enter a computer game competition? If yes, equal opportunity is assured.

2) Equal accessibility to an infrastructure.

Will both the left-handed and right-handed people get their own computer and keyboard? If yes, equal accessibility is ensured.

3) Equal accessibility to customized infrastructure.

Are there keyboards, and mouse for both left and right-handed people? If yes, equality is achieved.

If left-handed people have to use a right-handed keyboard, the game still is unfair to them. They may not be able to compete effectively compared to right-handed people. Regardless of the equal opportunity and accessibility to keyboards, here, left-handedness became an obstacle in winning the competition.

Society has many problems to solve, for achieving social equality.

Do all children get access to education? (13.7% of the global population is illiterate, 2015 study)

Do all the school-going children get nutritious food? (26% of the global population, 2021 are children <15 years old)

Does all gender have a means of stable income? (global labor force consists of 49% of the global female population, while it is 75% for the global male population, ilo, 2017)

Does everyone get affordable health care? (9.2% of the global population live in EXTREME poverty)

There are many more divisions and fields. Race, religion, age, etc standing as 'barriers' in achieving a goal. The barrier is a consequence of the existing unfair design of a sector, equipment, or society. There is no absolute value/price/design/solution to any problems. It is we, who decide why something is a problem, and how that problem can be resolved.

Accountability of differences and redesigning society brings social equality.

If you walk into a random store and find perfect scissors, chances are more that you're a right-handed person. You're privileged to have such right-handed scissors easily accessible compared to the other!