Any kind of reservation devalues non-reserved's effort and abandon himer to get stuck in hiser life!!!
Any kind of reservation devalues non-reserved's effort and abandon himer to get stuck in hiser life!!!
Why the reservation is so unfair??? Why do we have this system with partiality which is claimed to exist to abolish partiality and inequality??? Why each reservation category has different cut-off marks? It's 50-60% for the backward caste/minority religion when it's 90% or above for the forward caste (FC)! It is unfair... :/
We are not against all kinds of reservations. We know, the importance and necessity of reservations like gender and economy based, and we rarely find the economic reservation in govt jobs. In Kerala, 10% of govt. college seats are reserved for economically backward FC community [1]. That is sensible. But why there are other irrelevant reservations based on religion and caste??? You should also note that it's terribly 40% of seats! :O
[1] |
How India will ever develop with such a huge percentage of reservation?! We need skilled people to run the system. The unskilled don't know how to run a system properly but they're being selected because of the damn reservation! That holds true even in the case of economic reservation... But economic reservation is fine for us (oh! why?)
Let us take a break from the scattered pieces of claims and arguments written above and let us ask a fundamental question,
WHY and WHEN do we need any kind of reservation?
Whenever there is inequality/violation in human rights, reservation is mandatory.
Before going deep into the subject, you need to know the basic concepts of the theory of probability a bit, if you're not familiar with it, please follow [2], it has interactive examples to play with.
Or let me try to explain.
Take a perfect coin with no deformation. Now toss it many times say 50 times. How many times you got head, how many times you got tail?
Hey! I know the theory of probability, it's 1:1. ie you're likely to get 25 times head and 25 times tail. In other words, the probability of getting either head or tail is 1/2.
What if I roll an unbiased die of six faces? (you can try by yourself here[3])
Then you're likely to get the number 1, 1/6 of the total rolls. So are the rest.
What if when you draw 6 balls from a box with 6 blue and 6 green balls those are evenly distributed?
3 blue and 3 green.
What if it was 4 blue balls and 8 green balls and 6 were drawn?
2 blue and 4 green balls.
what if it was 4 girls & 8 boys instead or 4 Hindus & 8 Muslims or 4 educated & 8 uneducated or 4 BC & 8 FC?
Ha ha! 2 and 4 in all the case provided the distribution is even! What's your point? :D
Ok, So, in Utopia- where things are assumed/claimed to be perfect- if 4 individuals from X category and 8 individuals from Y category applies for a job position with 6 vacancies, we are likely to select 2 individuals from X category and 4 individuals from Y category for the 6 vacancies. That is, we should find a representation based on the population percentage of each category. Let us call it 'representation by population percentage (RbyPP)' (proportional representation would've been much better but it is being used in another well-defined context). In Utopia everyone gets equal human rights to live, to learn, eat, to use infrastructures and so on. So, we are likely to select the mentioned RbyPP from categories X and Y for the 6 vacant positions.
Let us investigate on the RbyPP based on gender, religion, and castes primarily.
Indian population has 48.53% of females and 51.47% males. The participation percentage of women in the total workforce is just around 27% of the total workforce according to 2014 data.
[4] |
Now, it's the time for analysis and inferences.
The representation of women in the workforce is much much less than representation by population percentage. What are the possible reasons that one can suggest?
1. Women are both intellectually and physically inferior to men.
2. Women lack skills hence they do not step into the workforce.
3. Women don't like the job because it's men's duty.
4. Women are lazy.
5. Women don't get opportunities like men and they are taken away from their rights, even the fundamental right to work for the living...
By introducing gender-based reservation we can ensure the participation of women in the workforce. It does nothing to check one's quality relative to the men in merit quota, but it selects relatively top women from the society. It DEMANDS the participation of women rather than choosing the best from all of the participants. It does nothing EXPLICITLY to eradicate gender inequality.
RELIGIOUS and CASTE reservations
Directly going into the topic, according to census 2011, 79.8% of the population consist of Hindus, 14.2% Muslims and the rest of the religions make up 6%.
[5] |
Whereas even in the largest govt employment sector of India -the Indian railway- muslims are just 4.5%, and among them, 98.7% have lower rank jobs. Why is it so? Don't they like the Indian railway jobs??? [6,7]
Now, let us see what is it about the caste reservation, which ruins the right of the deserved!
[8] |
[9] |
Maybe they are not intelligent enough to do govt. jobs as per MANUSMRITI...
Economic and Economic reservation
There are two kinds of economic reservation in India. One is in practice and widely accepted and the other partially being implemented and put forwarded as an alternative to rest of the reservations and to eliminate rich non-FCs from the reservation.
The first one is the reservation for people who have a large amount of money. They BUY an admission in colleges from the private sector as both students and lectures with their economic power, and no one complains against it... Money wins over your certificate...
The latter is for the economically backward FCs. It ensures that they don't lose an opportunity because of their lower economic level.
Oppressed never complain about their pathetic situation. They seldom realize it's 'pathetic'. They are accustomed to it. No FC force is needed to make them obey you but just an impression that you possess a higher rank than himer.
I fearfully recall a few experiences from my childhood. Sometimes my family used to hire people to work in the small plot beside my house where we did small scale vegetable farming. I always wanted them to have lunch at least in the veranda. They never accepted my mother's or my invitation to sit on the veranda. They either chose to sit on the soil in the courtyard or to sit outside the compound wall. Because they were taught and conditioned to not to go behind things that are not meant for them. They 'know' (=> 'they believe', in this context) the soil is perfectly fine for them. They 'know' that the laws concerning human rights are not for them. They know they do not and will never belong to the elite society...
What are we going to do with the economic reservation for their upliftment, when they KNOW they are untouchable even in this century??? watch (at least) first 1.40 minutes of this documentary.
Addressing a few misunderstandings/misinterpretations of reservation especially caste based reservation.
1. Caste (or religious minority) reservation aims at the UPLIFTMENT of the socially backward community and social justice rather than equal rights (hey pals, first they need to learn that they are human beings like any of us).
2. Caste reservation is not about assuring opportunity as in the case of economic reservation but about demanding the participation of the socially backward society. Hence economic reservation is never going to be an alternative for caste/religious/gender-based reservation.
3. It is barbaric to ensure your opportunity by knocking down someone else's opportunity. If you think the seats are not enough either we need to increase the number of seats (with no alteration in reservation percentage) or we need to DECREASE the population. and Yes, WE NEED economic reservation of SECOND KIND and not first kind.
How can you treat a child who is being treated as a king and a child who is being called polluted in the same way?
Action against discrimination is not about offering equal opportunity, it is about demanding and ensuring RbyPP.
When we see RbyPP at least in 75% percentage of govt jobs we can start cutting down the reservation percentage.
I sadly add a few more facts. It's not for offending anyone, I never did count the RbyPP of caste until I started writing this article. During my first four years in IISER TVM, I hardly have seen any non-FC faculties in iiser from any states. There were very few non-Hindu faculties, they were from Kerala. The rest were typically Brahmins...
Even if you take a list of NRI who are in high-rank job positions you'd rarely see a Hindu non-FC...
Everyone has the right to say "I need more" & no one (or only the oppressed) has the right to say "You had enough"
" it's enough for you" - Doesn't it sound oppressive???
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