Sunday, 25 October 2015

Who is the villain - part 2

We do have romantic movies quite a lot. More precisely most of the movies contain a ‘love story’ as mainstream or as a parallel story (I have considered Indian movies), in which we have seen different features of love!

Sometime the story will be aggressive; the couple will always be threatened by their parents or some other society members or else the so called ‘villains’, and then he will argue with them expressing his ‘true love’ for her or despite every protest he will ‘forcefully’ take her with him.

Sometimes hero will fight against the ‘villain, who chase and ‘disturb’ her for her love and will rescue her later will become her the one with open hands and mind just for her.

On the contrary

Sometimes our hero will be chasing ‘the heroine’ for days, years… and in the end heroine will fall for him.

Sometime there will be innumerable nights awaiting the beloved one.

Sometimes they will risk their life to death; suicidal attempt of either hero or heroine to force the other party to love him/her.

Sometimes hero and his friends will roam about ‘her’ house just to see ‘her’.

Sometimes hero exchanges different signs of love… may be a romantic glance, a letter, or a wink regardless of the fact that whether she likes him or not.

Sometimes hero will stand with his friends on the way heroine used to travel and will comment on her.

Sometimes just a flower or a confession would make her fall in love with him

We enjoy the movies; we always support the hero; we pray for them to get together lifelong. We never like the ‘villain’, who tries to split them apart standing against the couples or who try to annoy the heroine by chasing her for her love… When hero does tricks to please her laugh at it and say ‘that’s funny!’.
Why do we –the same ‘we’ who enjoyed all these movies- have laws to punish those people who do the same that our heroes do in movies? Is it because the Govt. doesn’t want us to be heroes?

Is it because ‘what one does’ doesn’t make him a hero but something else is being added to make him a hero??? What is that ‘something’? Why it influences us a lot such that the movies becomes ‘box office hits’?????

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