Monday, 30 November 2015

Blue for Girls and Pink for Boys

Is there anything wrong with the heading?
Nope! why do you think so?
It's the other way; isn't it?
Really? who told you that?
I do see by myself.

a google search would give you enough data...see the following!

Oh! I should've mentioned the era. It's during 1920's.
-For example, a June 1918 article from the trade publication Earnshaw's Infants' Department said, “The generally accepted rule is pink for the boys, and blue for the girls. The reason is that pink, being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl.”- [1] [4]

 so, google tells you that there is a gender biasing in choice... If it is a property of males and females, it should've been there all the time; don't you think so?
I don't know
Well, how about the following? there is no color specification. Not even gender specification in costume. It's from 1980's

I know this; it's a unisex fashion!
Not really, you may call it as uniformity with a masculine inclination... and man never wore any feminine garments; what the market says feminine.
What do you mean by 'what the market says feminine'? What does the market has to do with it?
Well, let me ask you then; why don't men wear high heels?
It's been made only for women and not for men.
But no one is restricting them from wearing it.
People will call him insane then!
Why would they call so?
Because it's not socially accepted...
Where did the society get such an idea that men must not wear such chappals or shoes?
look at the followings... it's Louis XIV from 1700's

and, this is from 1980's.

They are not women certainly, are they? Moreover Louis XIV was a king of France. And they were very well accepted in the society; disproving your claim that 'it's not socially accepted' ! Let's modify your claim including the fact, 'It's dependent on the era they lived in'.
Also, high heels were considered as a symbol of status as well as masculinity . Women adopted heels to masculinise themselves. Until the end of 17th century European Upper class men followed this fashion. [2] [3]

So, who made us think that it is not socially accepted?
From where do we get ideas of what a girl/ boy must wear?
Why don't boys wear necklaces as that of girls do, or as the given below old man from Kenya does ?

Why do girls tend to wear similar stuffs?
Why does movies make the girls' room pink in color; did they forgot the older analogy that pink is stronger color. Or was it a fallacy?

Provided there exists a gender biased fashion in all disciplines how are we supposed to think that we could build gender equality in society?
Or on what basis we criticize the new generation? when, they are being biased from their early age itself!
They don't even get a gender independent toy to play with...

We really need to think how to control the influence of market and trend in daily life, or else we don't even have the right to speak against gender discrimination.


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