Sunday, 22 November 2015

'I'm Gonna Tell God Everything...'

The last thing a 3 year old Syrian said before he died;
"I'm gonna tell god everything"

It has been a very sensational news again on social media; projecting the dreadfulness of terrorism...

Various personalities around the world had marked their condolence for being killed at this small age, their solace that 'every child go to God's kingdom', some are angry such that they want to kill the terrorists who kill such 'cute', 'innocent' 'children' !!

One of the comment goes as follows [1].
" I CANNOT get my head around the fact that this is the world we live in. Where CHILDREN AND BABIES are abused and/or killed. I WOULD KILL EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THIS WORLD THAT HAS MALICIOUS INTENT TOWARD CHILDREN IF I COULD. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. GLADLY!!!!! I DON'T CARE IF THOSE NUMBERS WERE IN THE MILLIONS!!!! There is NOTHING worse than hurting a child. NOTHING. I am very forgiving - but for that I will show you no mercy."
-and it has got 1029 likes-

why don't we call him a terrorist; the one who commented as above?! why does he get thousands of likes?

Some have said that 'god will punish the terrorists'

Assuming their feeling is intense,
Would they be saying the same if they are provided with a powerful gun and they happen to meet terrorists with bare hands? or will they kill the terrorists?

Will the 3 years old child be saying the same if he is self sufficient to 'fight against' the terrorists; who is not matured to think 'rationally' as the adults claim that they do...

By saying such a statement, the 3 year old child expressed his disagreement and rage towards the act/event that happened to 'HIM'. Of course a child wouldn't be able to think further that terrorism is not good for a world to sustain...

We had fights as children... whenever we failed in it we would say 'I'll tell this to mother/father'.
When a child say that he will tell this to god what I see is the depth of his belief in God and nothing else.

I wouldn't wonder if such a child, in future, fight against the world for 'his' God, the God who saved him throughout his life.

I wouldn't wonder if he kills everyone who stand against his God, as the person who wanted to kill the terrorists for killing 'children' in the above mentioned comment.

and I wouldn't wonder if he gets thousands of followers as the 1029 likes

Everyone would fight against them, who stand against their rights, their beliefs, their needs; IF they think, things are to be done 'right' or 'morally'.

Unfortunately there is no ultimate 'right' or 'morality'. For some, fighting for god is moral. For some, fighting against them who kill children is moral. 

No one would say Bhagat Singh was a bad person since he was a terrorist!
When atom bombs hit Japan we never considered America to be terrorist!

Who decides and how decides what is moral and hence terrorism?
Whenever we fight against terrorism we never consider the root causes of terrorism. (Or should I presume we are not mature enough to identify it; like the terrorists or the person who wanted to kill the terrorists???). What is/are the root cause/s of it?
What are the backgrounds that make one terrorist?

As 'they' are being eliminated and isolated from the society in terms of infrastructures and rights no one can expect the terrorism to vanish at anytime. (Or are we eliminating a few from the society and label them as terrorists???)

Have you ever seen any terrorist who do not belong to any minority group of a society??? (or is majority the real terrorist and they assign the minority to be terrorists... as happened in Gujarat; the Islams were proclaimed to be the terrorist whereas Hindus lead the riots everywhere in 2002)


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